
Showing posts from November, 2017

Literary Analysis of "The Red Convertible"

Literary Analysis "The Red Convertible"           "The Red Convertible" by Louise Erdrich is compelling. In this tale, she intertwines the Chippewa heritage with an American experience. Erdrich writes her stories focusing on identity and family. This analysis will display the theme, setting, plot, point of view, characterization, irony, and symbolism found in "The Red Convertible." Theme            A theme of  "The Red Convertible" is life robbed of joy feels meaningless. The story details the lives of two brothers. They purchase a "red car" together and are full of happiness from the road trips experienced in the car until one brother leaves for the military. Once the older brother, Henry, returns home, he is no longer experiencing the joy of his carefree red convertible days. Instead, he is filled with dread and fear caused by PTSD. "When he came home, though, Henry was very different, and I'll say this: th

Restaurant Review

Black Rock, My Taste Buds are in Shock The first Black Rock opened its doors October 27th, 2010 in Hartland, MI by the Morganroth family. With no prior experience in the restaurant business, they set forth to bring about change in regard to how the food is prepared. Cooking your own meal on a 755-degree rock seems to be the way to go. The Black Rock in Woodhaven, MI on Allen Road opened at 11am September 20th, 2016 presenting itself to be a restaurant that caters to the lunch crowd, the dinner rush, and to those desiring a drink or two. The steakhouse is right in the middle of a busy intersection and in an up and coming neighborhood that is frequently welcoming new businesses. Black Rock is prepared for this busyness with a large and accommodating parking lot. The building itself is noticeable, and yet in Woodhaven at night you can look into the sky and see the beacon of light bringing the restaurant to your attention. Once you enter the doors during dinner ho