The Three Most Influential People in my Life
The Three Most Influential People in my Life #1 My Mom To say that my mom is the most amazing person I know is an understatement. She is a strong, gracious, and a kindhearted woman. From a young age, I admired her strength. Whether she was a stay-at-home mom or a working mother, she balanced raising me and my siblings well. When times were difficult financially or situationally, she hid it easily behind her beautiful smile. When my mother lost our sister, Nicole, she was broken, and even though she remembers just going through the motions, I remember how she still cared for us, how she made time for us, and how she loved us. Additionally, my mom was the first person who taught me about grace. For as far back as I can remember, my mom helped me grasp the magnificent gospel, that Jesus forgives me and loves me. Grace was consistently on display throughout our home. We were disciplined, but we always knew how much we were loved. When I struggled with ...